As a DevOps/Cloud engineer, git is an essential tool in our arsenal. A git commit is an action that we execute daily, hourly and sometimes more often than that. I hope that you, the reader, are not committing code every second - that would be shocking. Committing code not only creates a snapshot of the work you have done but it also describes the work you have done in a commit message.
git add .
git commit -m "It works"
By the end of this post I hope that the two commands above are not the only ones you will run prior to pushing code. Regarding the second command… well it is unacceptable and stick around to find out why 👀 .
Why the fuss?
Git provides a decentralised workflow, where you as an engineer contribute to a repository that others can also contribute to. It is therefore important that a commit provides a clear insight to changes that have been made for quicker debugging (time is money). It is also important that we test our code for linting issues. Your code doesn’t need to work but it needs to look good. The code does not need to be complete for it to be commited.
Most CI/CD pipelines are triggered on git pushes so it is important to do everything you can to prevent a failure in the pipeline.
So how do I make my code better?
Here I will introduce two tools:
- pre-commit- This tool will be used for code testing
- commitizen- To create better commits
What is pre-commit?
Pre-commit is a python package which acts as a framework for managing pre-commit hooks. Pre-commit allows you to run several staged code checks prior to committing your changes.
Why use pre-commit?
To save time and money! Once a code gets pushed into git and your pipeline kicks off, it can take a few seconds or minutes to find where an error has come from. So by using pre-commit, we can prevent simple errors such as terraform validation or even simpler YAML lint!
Where do I start with pre-commit?
We are going to add a pre-commit config to the terraform code we have built in the previous post. If you haven’t gone through it or don’t want to, that is absolutely fine. Add a pre-commit config to any code you are working on and try to make it a habit. Adding a pre-commit config to a template repository is a perfect way to introduce this tool to your wider team.
- I have python installed. Installing Python
- I have an IDE installed. An IDE such as VSCode or PyCharm is recommended.
- I have configured Git Instructions can be found here
- I have some code ready.
- I have pip installed. Installing pip
Step 1
- Install pre-commit
pip install pre-commit
Step 2
- Check that pre-commit is installed
pre-commit --version
## output should look similar to this
pre-commit 2.17.0
Step 3
- Create a config file for pre-commit
touch .pre-commit-config.yaml
- The config file will tell pre-commit what tests we need it to run.
Step 4
Populate the config file with the following
List of hooks are available here
- repo: #name of repo with hook
rev: v4.1.0 # version of the repo (tag) or branch
- id: trailing-whitespace #id of the hook. Some repos have multiple hooks
Step 5
- Stage your code and run pre-commit
git status
git add .
pre-commit install # run pre-commit every time you run a commit command. You can skip it for now.
pre-commit run --all-files
#output should look something like this
Trim Trailing Whitespace.................................................Passed
- If you have followed the terraform related blog then add the following hooks and run pre-commit
- repo:
rev: v0.1.17
- id: terraform-fmt
- id: terraform-validate
- id: tflint
Step 6
- This is an optional step, where we will look at what markdown rules we would like not to enforce. The reason behind not enforcing certain rules is due to a code requirement you may have. A classic example is the yamllint line too long error. Some Ansible configurations require a single string to be longer than the rule allows for.
The code snippet below will tell the markdownlint test to accept a configuration that has been set within the .ci/.mdlrc
- repo:
rev: master
- id: markdownlint
args: ['-c','.ci/.mdlrc']
What does the config file look like?
- Let’s have a look at the folder structure required prior to defining the test exceptions.
|- .ci #<--- This is a new directory
| |- .mdlrc #<--- This is a new file
| |- markdown.rb #<--- This is a new file
|- # These
|- # files
|- repositories.yml # already exist.
|- # This example structure builds
|- .pre-commit-config.yaml # on the terraform 101
|- .gitignore # blog post
- It is not mandatory for the directory to be called
. Sinceargs: ['-c','.ci/.mdlrc']
specifies a path, the directory can be called anything but I
. The directory has two files:
- The
file with the following content. More documentation on this file is available here.
- This file simply points to another file with the style definitions.
style '.ci/markdown.rb'
- The
file with the actual rule exceptions defined. This is the file that you can populate with the exceptions you require for the code base.
- The syntax is the following
exclude_rule '<MDrule number>'
For example the configuration below enforces all
Markdown rules excluding MD002
exclude_rule 'MD002'
List of rules can be found here.
Please note that this is the rule exception strategy for markdownlint. Other pre-commit hooks will have a different syntax, which should be documented within the hook’s repository.
Great, now we have good looking code. Let’s commit!
What is commitizen?
Commitizen is a Python package for writing descriptive and standardised commits across teams. It also allows for changelog creation once you release a new version of the code base you are working on.
Why use commitizen?
- To create a commit standard across your team.
- To capture work items (Jira tickets or Azure board tickets) within your commit.
- To create commit prefixes that you can trigger pipelines base on.
- And many more!
Where do I start with commitizen?
You just need to install this tool and create great commits.
Commitizen can be configured further as per your custom requirements that can be set with your team. Documentation is available here.
Commitizen can be configured further as per your custom requirements that can be set within your team. Documentation available here.
Step 1
pip install -U commitizen
sudo pip3 install -U Commitizen
brew install commitizen
Step 2
- Commit!
cz commit
Final remarks
- Finally, let’s bring it all together!
git status
git diff ## only if you know how to get out of vim
git add .
pre-commit run --all-files
git add . ## pick up changes made by pre-commit
cz commit
git push
- Well done! I hope you have enjoyed my post on better git commits and have learned something new.